The event "Successful Startups: Domestic and International Case Studies" was held successfully.



Event Objective
The primary goal of this event was to foster a discussion among entrepreneurs running startups in both Japan and overseas. We aimed to provide a platform for these individuals to share their unique experiences, challenges, and successes in building businesses across different cultural and economic landscapes. The event was designed to be interactive, allowing participants to ask questions and engage in open dialogue with the speakers.

Our Speakers
  • Billy Qiu: With over 15 years of experience in IT consulting, internet, and digital marketing, Billy has dedicated his career to supporting Japanese entrepreneurs, designers, and developers. He's built a startup community to foster innovation and growth.
  • Chio Fuseya: As an educator, marketer, and developer, Chio is passionate about creating safe communities. She's currently working on a startup in the UK focused on education and social impact.
  • Guan An Fu: With a background in NFT, IT, and travel marketing, Guan has been sharing his marketing expertise with entrepreneurs for years. He's a valuable resource for anyone looking to build a successful brand in the digital age.

During the event, our speakers shared their personal startup journeys and delved into the similarities and differences between doing business in Japan and other countries. The audience was highly engaged, asking thoughtful questions and sparking lively discussions.

Billy Qiu provided valuable insights into the latest trends in digital marketing in Japan and shared successful startup case studies. Chio Fuseya offered a firsthand account of launching an education-focused startup in the UK, highlighting the challenges and rewards. Guan An Fu captivated the audience with his presentation on the importance of marketing strategy in the NFT and IT sectors.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the attendees and speakers who made this event a resounding success. We look forward to hosting more events in the future and continuing to foster a community of innovative entrepreneurs.

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